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Strong and Preventative measures towards Child Welfare and Overall Mental Development with the help of different programs across the different areas in Society.

U.P., India

Child Protection and Welfare Programs

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Goal: 10,000.00
Minimum amount is ₹100 Maximum amount is ₹1000
19 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns


Child protection meant safeguarding the children from violence, exploitation, abuse, and negligence. Govt is working actively on running several programs towards child welfare. The main aim of these programs is to provide nutrition, shelter, sanitation, health care and hygiene to the children. As a part of social responsibility we have to ensure that all the children will get proper education, recreational facilities and protection against exploitation.

There are lot of children in India who are orphan and live on the streets. Violence with children increasing day by day. Ensuring the safety of these children is utmost priority for the society. Providing proper education, Shelters and health care facilities to the children is the essential need of the hour at present.




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